The aspiring disability rights lawyer was appointed at the start of the year to the Alachua County Human Rights Board and the Citizens Disability Advisory Committee.
Next Steps for Boston Dance, a partnership between the Boston Foundation, the Aliad Fund and Movement Arts Creation Studio, is pleased to announce its slate of 2023 grantees. The seven grantees will receive multi-layered support from Next Steps, including $6,000 in ‘implementation funds’ for new work, along with 250 hours of flexible rehearsal space, five consulting meetings with expert advisors in chosen areas of need, and access to other resources from and with their fellow cohort members.
The City of Santa Monica has tapped the vice president of a design and architecture podcast with a degree in electronic music composition as its new Cultural Affairs manager.
Supreme Court of Maryland Chief Justice Matthew J. Fader has named Judge Brenda A. Sexton as county administrative judge for the Circuit Court for Cecil County. Judge Sexton’s designation is effective on April 15, 2023, when Circuit and County Administrative Judge Keith A. Baynes steps down.
Tales and fables convey that you know that it is the truest form of love when they are with you in your darkest times. It has been proven true by Erin Field '18 from Boston, Massachusetts and her boyfriend Jack Benziger '18. They went through a hard battle together and emerged from it stronger than ever.