• Institutional Effectiveness
  • Data Governance
  • Data Governance

    Vision & Mission

    The purpose of data governance is multifaceted and essential to ensure the effective and responsible management of information. The primary purpose of data governance is to create a framework for establishing clear policies, procedures, and standards for data collection, storage, and usage within the institution. This framework helps safeguard sensitive information, particularly in an academic environment where student and faculty data must be protected. This framework furthers data quality and consistency, enabling reliable decision-making and accurate reporting for academic, administrative, and regulatory purposes. Moreover, it promotes transparency and accountability by defining roles and responsibilities for data stewards, data owners, and users, ensuring that data-related activities are conducted ethically and compliant with relevant regulations. Ultimately, data governance empowers the college to leverage its data assets strategically, enabling the institution to adapt and thrive in an increasingly data-driven educational landscape.


    College records exist for the purposes of the business of the college. Requests for data outside of that use are subject to the following considerations:


    Policies & Procedures

    Ensuring Compliance and Integrity in Data Management

    Critical to the ongoing work of the college, responsible stewardship of Goucher college data is required to ensure those with official educational or administrative responsibilities can access and rely on the data's accuracy and integrity. At the most basic level, being able to comply with requests for data from the United States Department of Education (DOE), the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC), and our accreditors, the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), is a fundamental requirement for us to retain our accreditation and authorization to receive and disburse state and federal funds. Data stewards are expected to comply with the following data policies and manage data within their care in a manner that is consistent with legal, ethical, and practical considerations.

    Data Access 

    Guidelines for Authorized Data Utilization

    Data access will be granted to those with legitimate educational interest to the data upon approval of the appropriate Data Steward and may require approval of a Data Trustee. This may only comprise individuals who are employees or volunteers of the institution needing the data to perform assigned duties. Improper release, maintenance or disposal of college data may be damaging to the college community and exposes Goucher to significant risk and possible legal action. Those granted access to college data must agree to the following guidelines.

    • Maintenance of data must strictly adhere to the policies and procedures of Goucher College. Data may not be altered or changed except in the usual course of business.
    • Data may not be released to third parties or others at the college who do not have access to the data without the consent of the appropriate Data Steward/Administrator and must always be done in compliance with FERPA.
    • Access to and use of data is restricted to the scope of an individual’s work. Data should not be viewed or analyzed for purposes outside of official business.
    • Data Users, as defined in the roles policy, may not grant access to data. If data needs to be shared with others, the appropriate data steward needs to authorize access to those data.

    The Computer and Data use policy must be followed. You can review the entire Computer and Data use policy. Do not compromise Goucher’s security by sharing passwords or other sensitive information.

    Classification of College Data

    Classification of Data

    Accurate classification provides the basis to apply an appropriate level of security to college data. All College data are classified into levels of sensitivity to provide a basis for understanding and managing college data. These classifications take into account the legal protections (by statute, regulation, or by the data subject’s choice), contractual agreements, ethical considerations, or strategic or proprietary worth. They also consider the application of “prudent stewardship,” where there is no reason to protect the data other than to reduce the possibility of harm or embarrassment to individuals or to the institution. 

    The classification level assigned to data will guide Data Trustees, Data Stewards, Data Administrators, and Data Users in the security protections and access authorization mechanisms appropriate for those data. Such categorization encourages discussion and a fuller understanding of the nature of the data being displayed or manipulated. 
    By default, all institutional data will be designated as “Internal.” College employees will have access to the data for use in the conduct of college business. 


    Classification Levels

    Public Data (low level of sensitivity) 

    Access to “Public” institutional data may be granted to any requester. Public data are not considered confidential. The integrity of Public data must be protected, and the appropriate owner must authorize replication of the data. Examples include institutional statistics that appear in publications, academic course descriptions, Common Data Set, and Goucher Facts.

    Note: Information contained in the Goucher Online Directory is technically “Directory Information” under FERPA (can be released without consent) but some information is password protected and should not be considered “Public.”

    Internal Data (moderate level of sensitivity)

    This classification applies to information protected due to proprietary, ethical, or privacy considerations, even though there may not be a direct statutory, regulatory, or common-law basis for requiring this protection. Internal data is restricted to personnel designated by the College who have a legitimate business purpose for accessing such data. Examples include institutional survey data, and enrollment projection data.

    Restricted Data (highest level of sensitivity)

    This classification applies to information protected by statutes, policies, or regulations. This level also represents information that is not by default protected by legal statute, but for which the Data Administrator has exercised his or her right to restrict access. Examples include: PII - Personally identifiable information (SSN, driver’s license, bank account numbers), salary data, academic record data (unit level) and financial aid data.

    Roles Required to Govern Data

    Roles Governing Data Management & Accountability

    Data Governance Committee

    This committee is comprised of functional data stewards from across all functions and departments of the College. The responsibilities of the Data Governance Committee include:

    • Developing and maintaining data policies and standards
    • Defining definitions for data
    • Advocating for data quality, consistency, and integrity
    • Tracking the progress of the Data Governance policies

    Data Trustees

    Data Trustees are senior college officials (e.g., vice presidents) or their designees who have planning, policy-level, and management responsibility for data within their functional areas.

    Data Stewards

    Data Stewards are college officials who have direct operational-level responsibility for the management of one or more types of institutional data. Data Stewards are assigned by the Data Trustee and are generally associate vice presidents, directors or managers.

    Data Administrators

    Data Administrators are individuals (outside of ILS) responsible for data collection and management and granted authority to grant internal access to data from their functional area by the Data Steward and/or Data Trustees.

    Data Users

    Data Users are college units or individual college community members who have been granted access to institutional data to perform assigned duties or in fulfillment of assigned roles or functions within the college; this access is granted solely for the conduct of college business.

    Below is the organizational scheme for trustees and stewards by administrative data area.

    Administrative Data Area
    Data Trustee
    Data Steward

    Enrollment Management

    VP of Enrollment Management

    Dylan Gerald, Assistant Director of Enrollment Systems & Operations

    Academic Affairs

    Provost & Senior VP

    Janet Shope, Associate Vice President for Institutional Research and Effectiveness

    Student Affairs

    VP for Student Affairs

    Alex (Chris) Perry, Director of Student Support & Accountability


    VP for Advancement

    Harry Bielas, Assistant Vice President for Advancement


    Financial Aid

    VP of Enrollment Management

    Alisha Mondloch, Director Of Student Financial Services

    Human Resources

    Associate VP for Human Resources

    Maggie Elligson, Director of Human Resources

    Finance & Administration

    Associate VP for Finance

    Dominique Casey, Assistant Controller

    Institutional Effectiveness

    Associate VP for Institutional Effectiveness

    Nicholas Vaught, Director of Institutional Effectiveness

    Data Governance: Data Administrators & Contacts

    Data Administrators & Inquiry Points

    The following individuals serve as data administrators for the college’s various data types and can answer questions about the data for which they are responsible. If you would like to request data, please use the Goucher College Data Request Form.


    Data Type
    Contact Person

    Admission Data

    Dylan Gerald
    Assistant Director of Enrollment Systems & Operations

    Slate Admissions – UG
    Slate Admissions – GR
    Admissions workflow

    Advancement & Alumni Data

    Harry Bielas
    Assistant VP for Advancement

    Raiser’s Edge
    Slate Advancement

    Finance Data

    Dominique Casey
    Assistant Controller

    Workday FIN

    Financial Aid Data

    Alisha Mondloch
    Director of Student Financial Services

    PowerCampus – Billing
    SoftDocs – Financial Aid/Billing

    Human Resources (Faculty/Staff) Data


    Workday HCM

    Information & Library Services Data

    Kristen Welzenbach
    Curator of Special Collections and Archives

    Various Outside Vendors

    Institutional Statistics & Analytical Data

    Nicholas Vaught
    Director of Institutional Effectiveness
    Carrie Davies
    Research and Data Analyst


    National Clearinghouse

    Student Affairs Data

    Alex Perry
    Director of Student Support and Accountability

    Front Rush

    Student Enrollment

    Inna Antufyeva
    Associate Registrar


    Student Success

    Alexandra Graves
    Director of Student Success

    Exit Interview

    Academic Affairs Data

    Janet Shope
    Director of Institutional Effectiveness

    Student and Faculty Surveys


    Campus Operations Data

    Andy Voytek
    Director of FMS

    DSX (card and door system)
    Clery data